
When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.
Albert Einstein


Welcome friends, family and fanz

This is the very first time I have ever done something like this so please forgive me if I don’t seem to be the professionally writer you may think I maybe. This small biography of me may shed some light on the person who is writing and the thoughts that may plague the deepest parts of my mind forcing me to record them so everyone can share in my wonderful world I call my mind.

My name is Sara Elizabeth Freeman, Youngest of two and a bit of a darf cow at times I find comfort within the morbid world of my thoughts. Explicit some maybe they are still so real to me as they maybe to you or some of you. I am 15 going on 16 I tend to not be your typical teenage girl, not even in the slightest as I know what I am doing, What I want and how I am going to get it what I want.

I know longer go to school as I find it somewhat boring and not what I am needing in my life at the moment. Not to say that I may revisit that idea in my later years, however at the moment a feel there is more to gain from life and the lives of those around me to assist in fulfilling my dream, aspirations and ambitions in serving the one person I love, adore, trust and dedicate my entire self to and that is my soulmate and life partner Kera Wilson to whom I dedicate my thoughts, emotions and writings too.

As you may have gathered, yes I am very much a young lesbian who thrives on sexual fantasies and creative experimentation to satisfy my personal desire and that of my life partner. As I believe that I am and have been created to serve her and her needs in this life and beyond.

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